• A beautiful sunset over a calm ocean with vibrant orange and pink hues reflecting on the water.

Pearl - Purity And Grace

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Quick Overview

Enhance your inner beauty with the queen of gems. Pearls will allow you to be graceful and attract those around you. While the love you have for the ones you cherish deepens by the day. IngredientsTop Notes: Woody Notes - Cacao - Patchouli LeafHeart Notes: Iris Flower - Bulgarian RoseBase...

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Enhance your inner beauty with the queen of gems. Pearls will allow you to be graceful and attract those around you. While the love you have for the ones you cherish deepens by the day.


Top Notes: Woody Notes - Cacao - Patchouli Leaf
Heart Notes: Iris Flower - Bulgarian Rose
Base Notes: Leather - Fruity Notes - Suede

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